The SWSFCNT FunctionRelated Topics
SWSFCNT is a high level function used to determine the number of files sent to the server in a File Post operation. Because multiple files can be presented in a single Post method, SWSFCNT returns the number of files present. The protocol for sending files in a Post operation is described in RCF 1867. To determine the number of files sent, you can either:
SWSFCNT will return a zero if no files are present in the current Post. If SWSFCNT returns a value greater than zero, then files can be:
SWSFCNT SyntaxThe SWSFCNT function takes no arguments. The invocation format for SWSFCNT is: Z = SWSfcnt()
Return ValuesSWSFCNT always returns a numeric value. A zero return value indicates that no files are present in the current Post. The SWSFCNT operation is logged to the Server's wrap-around trace file with the resulting return value.
ExampleThe following call will retrieve the number of files in the current invocation. Subsequent logic would process the files.